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© Copyright, Independent Advisory Panel on Deaths in Custody (IAPDC) 2025.

IAPDC responds to latest prisons deaths data


Statistics published by the Ministry of Justice and HMPPS show a concerning rise in prison deaths, increasing by 10% to 342 deaths in 2024.

Of these deaths, 89 were self-inflicted which represents a 7% decrease from the previous year, which we welcome with caution. Whilst there may be a number of factors underlying these figures, what is particularly concerning is the increase in self-harm, which is a key risk factor for suicide. In the 12 months to September 2024, there was a 15% increase in self-harm incidents, comprising of an 18% increase in male prisons and 7% increase in female prisons.

Too many vulnerable people end up in prison because opportunities to divert them are repeatedly missed. The Government’s Sentencing Review and 10-Year Capacity Strategy are key opportunities to ensure offenders get the right support to turn their lives around, ease dangerous capacity pressures across the prison estate, and help safeguard lives. For those for whom imprisonment is necessary, we must see urgent improvements to the care and support they receive. This includes timely and consistent access to physical and mental healthcare, meaningful regimes, and peer and family support – all of which go a long way towards keeping prisoners safe.