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Independent Sentencing Review a crucial step to improving safety, says IAPDC


The Independent Sentencing Review is a crucial step in reducing the prison population and driving much-needed improvements to safety across the estate.

Our research shows that people in prison have a disproportionately high rate of death compared with the general population. As a Panel, we recognise the impact that the prison capacity pressures are having on the care and support for people in prison and acknowledge the effect this has on the wellbeing of the population.

We are aware that short custodial sentences can be disruptive to continuity of care, housing, work, and family ties – particularly for women – and welcome the Review’s focus on alternatives to custody. However, this must be supported by robust plans to ensure joined-up working across services – including health, housing, and probation – to enable the effective delivery of community sentences. And we remain steadfast in our call for the establishment of non-negotiable ‘red lines’ that prison numbers will never be allowed to exceed safe capacity. This must be the cornerstone of the Review.